2023-03-31 | Maintenance of Cummins 300kW gas generator

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Our main supplier and world leading manufacturer of diesel and natural gas engines Haitai power,
recently conducted the first maintenance of a 300kW gas generator with a Cummins K19 engine model for a Chinese customer.
The maintenance, which included a thorough inspection and replacement of worn parts, was carried out by a team of highly
trained technicians to ensure the generator would continue to operate at peak performance.
The Cummins K19 engine is known for its durability and reliability, making it an ideal choice for customers
who require a dependable source of power. With this successful maintenance, HaiTai has once again demonstrated
its commitment to providing exceptional service to its customers in China and around the world.
recently conducted the first maintenance of a 300kW gas generator with a Cummins K19 engine model for a Chinese customer.
The maintenance, which included a thorough inspection and replacement of worn parts, was carried out by a team of highly
trained technicians to ensure the generator would continue to operate at peak performance.
The Cummins K19 engine is known for its durability and reliability, making it an ideal choice for customers
who require a dependable source of power. With this successful maintenance, HaiTai has once again demonstrated
its commitment to providing exceptional service to its customers in China and around the world.
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